Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Small Kid, Big Blessing!

Our music teacher Mrs. Wible has recently injured her conducting arm with an broken elbow. As she went to her follow up doctor’s appointment, she was encouraged by talking to the doctor. Here is why…
As I walked into my doctor’s office, he said, “I’m having a hard time telling which your injured arm is.” When I showed him my “bad” arm and all of the mobility I have, he said, “Amazing!!” He just couldn’t get over how quickly my arm healed. I told him that many people were praying for me. Somehow I asked him if his children go to ICS and he said yes – P1 student. Then I asked if he was a Christian, “No”, he said, “but, I believe in God and now we’re starting to go to church. I’m so impressed with my son since he’s gone to ICS. He was lost in the supermarket a couple of months ago and I was frantic to find him. When I found him, I said, ‘Son weren’t you afraid?’ ‘No, Daddy’, he said, ‘God is with me’. “Then he went on to tell me another story about how through his son’s influence he was encouraged during a time of discouragement. This is in his office, in front of two nurses who were also there!

"So, everyone, please be encouraged! God is using YOU as you pray for others and as you work at ICS. I’m sure there are many other stories about how God is working in our students’ lives to bless their families." ~ Juniata Wible